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Dreeme Body

From my head to my toes and all the hair that is where I'll share my thoughts and experiences on the physical being.

Dreeme Body: Gallery


I straightened my naturally curly hair for as long as I can remember. After wearing my hair in a short pixie for about three years, I noticed a movement of women ditching the flat irons for well, nothing. Women began to embrace their hair in its natural state. I thought to myself,"Hey, I think my hair is really curly too. I think Im going to start my natural hair journey." And so began my journey to a more natural me, both outside AND inside. Explore and click through the gallery above for some pics of my hair journey!


Products that go ON the body, go IN the body! Its important that we are aware of what we we are using to soften or exfoliate or whatever we do to our bodies. I started making my own products because of this fact as well as because it's more fun doing it myself. Click through the gallery above for ideas!


Awareness of our inner workings and mental, emotional, and physical clarities are vital to a balanced Dreemelife.

Dreeme Body: Projects
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